Thursday, August 31, 2017

Antifa(g) Is Just Anti-White Paid Thug Gang

Since Democrats were reminded of their racist history - they want to erase the Civil War. Democrats need to get over the War Between the States and leave the past to be prologue. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Hillary did not blame the Civil War for her loss but she did blame many things. Well paid rioters for Antifa and others appear to be blaming "white people" and calling them epiphets (names). Even the media began to call YT a bunch of uncomplementary names during their coverage of the Charlottsville "protests." For a very good "skinny" on that see Vdare and check out their archieves. In a nutshell, people tried to get permits for a protest of statue "activities" such as tear downs,etc. They were refused. The took their case to the ACLU's lawyers who got them the permits with restrictions such as the Tiki saftey torches for their Friday evening parade which went mostly ugnored by the media. Saturday brought all sorts of name-calling "protesters" who became far from peaceful although they had NO PERMITS and therefore NO RIGHT to protest anything! They had their little signs but managed to become so violent and verball abusive that the police broke up the "permitted parade" and the "speakers" never got to say anything although THEY HAD PERMITS and the "free speech disrupters" had no permits. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ONE news even "garnished" their "reporting" with some KKK footage which was shown ONE TIME and apparently ONE TIME ONLY. Why did they do this when there were NO KKK at the "permitted parade" whatsoever? This was competetive "let's outdo the competetion" pure yellow journalism People who recall history know that "yellow journalism" contained a lot of hype and fake news in order to "beat" the competion. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Recently in late August 2017 there was a move to "eliminate Columbus Day" and replace it with an "endogenous peoples" day. Which "endogenous people"? Who knows? The Los Angeles area has everything from "underground alien lore" to Zorro and "old California fiction" which pictured ALL the American Indians as "out-of-town" and only Spaniards and Mexicans during "Zorro's Era". TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Seattle, Washington has known American Indians in certain areas but WHO were the Los Angeles area American Indians? Should research "give" those 1492 American Indians the day or should the "last area tribe" get to "name that day"? Or should "the locals" forget about dissing Columbus for "discovering America" since the East Coast was "much closer"?

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Trump In Nick of Time- OPPOSED At Every Turn

Obviously, the GOP wanted to LOSE again very badly. WHY? They think or THOUGHT they could not win..again WHY? TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Many GOP have "The FEAR". They are scared of Democrats because DemocratsTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT A) Are very tricky (They GOT Tricky Dicky), TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT B) They OVER_LOOK their own faults AS LONG as candidate votes their way for abortion, mass immigration, eliminate all guns,etcTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 1) Some are mean, nasty peopleTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 2) Some are straight-razor toting peopleTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3) Some will say ANYTHING to get electedTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 4) Some will be "out to get you" because you are a RepublicanTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 5) Unscrupulous, ruthless and unprincipled are considered GOOD POINTS by DemocratsTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 6) People like Zell Miller, the decent Democrat are LONG GONE from politics.TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 7) Even Traficant, ol' ,BEAM ME UP, SCOTTY" himself...a fairly decent "under bussed."TTTTTTTTTTTT 8) Ever wonder how a guy like Obama could get chosen? WHO was he? A Chicago community organizer and part-time professor in a law school teaching the US Constitution. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrump got elected because he was DIFFERENT, very OBVIOUSLY different, AND TOLD it like it is...STILL DOES. A) His choices for the CABINET literally drive Democrats COO-COO. Look at Nancy Pelosi, no LISTEN to those DAFFY EXPRESSIONS of hers!TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Hollywood lefties are GOING BANANAS! Strep and others. A few have seemed to be "bananas" all along but apolitcal...JUST WACKY///no not zany wacky...CRAZY WACKY. And NOT the one who set her PIANO on fire. THAT was a planned PIANO FIRE using that GEL that the movie makers use for blazing PEOPLE who do that for the STUNTS,TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT President Trump inherited a BIGGER MESS than Obama did because Obama just made everything WORSE.TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT MILLIONS of UNEMPLOYED, ON FOOD RELIEF, SHACKLED INTO OBAMACARE SLAVERY because the 50 cent calamity catastrophe insurance that could be had CHEAPLY is REQUIRED - MANDATORY from the U.S. Government for a HUGE PRICE that makes it IMPOSSIBLE to BUY decent coverage IF one had the money.TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEver WONDER HOW those small CLINICS everywhere SURVIVE while HOSPITALS CLOSE? Hospitals take a LOSS because they cannot sent people away while small clinics NEVER see these type patients because they only see relatively minor injuries and do required EXAMS for sports and the like.TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT But back to TRUMP...Trump is a FIGHTER who NEVERTHELESS, will get a tremendous amount of MESS taken care of. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT As of February 15, President Trump has accomplished staffing the White House, sent a dozen Cabinet nominees to the Senate for their required approval which have been overall so superior to run-of-the-mill choices that even Democrats are DUMBFOUNDED but acting like terrible choices are UP while Obama had MANY virtually RUBBER-STAMPED WITH APPROVAL. Trump has protested an overly expensive so as to browbeat Boeing into cutting its price on a government contract. In a televised conference he cajoled and charmed CEOs. then booted out the press for THE SERIOUS BUSINESS of convincing American CEOs to keep their manufacturing and product production plants in the United States. On the SAME SEVEN "SUSPECT" countries almost blacklisted by Obama, Trump has imposed a terrorist travel ban which had Democrat and GOP liberals almost "pulling their hair out," despite the FACT that it's the SAME SEVEN that Obama suspected of sending their "lesser citizens" to America perhaps with "designs". Trump met with many foreign leaders under friendly terms winning them over to his side for the most part. ONE, Mexico's leader felt "alienated" because of Trump's insistance that Mexico "pay for that wall". Trump even nominated a Supreme Court justice after keeping him "under wraps" and "under the radar" from a hostile Democrat-leaning press. Trump accomplished numerous other projects. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Nevertheless, Trump managed to find time in his busy day to torment the media with his tweets! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT During this time since Trump's Inauguration -what exactly have congressional Republicans been "up to"? TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Due in no small part to Trump's LONG and DURABLE "Coat-tails", over 90 percent of congressional Republicans remained in the House and Senate after the 2016 election. With this in mind, figure that some GOP Establishment types survived the 2016 elections. Many of the worst with the BIGGEST EGOS think they OWE Trump NOTHING and it was their "WONDERFULNESS" that got them elected or re-elected, especially the incumbents who have been there the LONGEST. A few steadfastly OPPOSED Trump as ORDERED by "Republican Party bosses". Many STILL do but smile while trying to "do Trump in" and oppose EVERYTHING he tries to do. They THINK Trump is a FLUKE and nothing he has accomplished on the L-O-N-G road to the White House - means ANYTHING to them. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Those in OPPOSITION, both GOP and Democrats take heart that the Senate confirms nominees, which they've been doing as slowly as possible - to TRIP TRUMP. A few are rapidly realizing that the GOP has the NUMBERS to OK Trump's choices the way OBAMA RAMRODDED his choices through. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT As for tax cuts and the Obamacare Repeal, the US House of Representatives has no excuse at all for showing NO SUCCESS OR ACCOMPLISHMENT while Speaker Ryan has given "lip service" in their defence. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Where's the progress on the Obamacare repeal? Where are the promised hearings featuring middle-class Americans with no health insurance because it was made illegal by Obamacare? TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT The U.S. House of Representatives passed six Obamacare repeals during Obama's Reign of Terror. As the Senate was heavily infested with Democrats and the president himself vetoed - there was no chance of the six being signed into law. To "look busy and productive" - Republicans vigorously and voraciously wrote repeals but when Trump became president, the repeals halted. Like the "Planned Parenthood De-funding" legislation - it was all "for show" and "no go". TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Immediately after the inauguration, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell issued their STALL-FOR-TIME 200 day plan for repealing Obamacare. To "chisel over the pencil marks", they named their STALLING "ACTION" legislative agenda, "The Two Hundred Day Plan.” TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT This is over THREE MONTHS PAST Trump's 100 Days and this was "planned"? It appears that Trump will have to "TWIST A FEW ARMS" ala President Johnson who knew many politicians and HOW to get them on his side...but he was a Democrat. He could make other Democrats THINK he would RIP OFF their ARMS and beat them with the BLOODY LIMBS - if they did not "co-operate." TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT To Trump's advantage, he has about 100,000,000 Americans on his side, including MILLIONS of Democrats who are "enlightened and WISE" enough to see that Trump has SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS not just bandages for a wounded economy and MONEY TO WASTE. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Romney Was A Spoiler, Perry or Walker in 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Romney wanted to lose very badly and going against an incumbent with a Democrat political machine, he had to point out Obama failures. McCain got a lead with Sarah palin, had to cite a BROMANCE with Ruth Bader Ginsberg or burg to eliminate his lead. He was so scared that he might win by default. DO NOT VOTE FOR A NON-GOVERNOR IN 2016!!!!!!!!! Hillary will most likely be the "feared by the good, loved by the bad--choice although Obama says she is not sufficiently EVIL. He should know, since he worked with her, keeping his enemy closer. Ironically, one cannot get pictures of the contenders in 2008.
Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence 1 William Gates III United States 53 40.0 United States 2 Warren Buffett United States 78 37.0 United States 3 Carlos Slim Helu & family Mexico 69 35.0 Mexico 4 Lawrence Ellison United States 64 22.5 United States 5 Ingvar Kamprad & family Sweden 83 22.0 Switzerland 6 Karl Albrecht Germany 89 21.5 Germany 7 Mukesh Ambani India 51 19.5 India 8 Lakshmi Mittal India 58 19.3 United Kingdom 9 Theo Albrecht Germany 87 18.8 Germany 10 Amancio Ortega Spain 73 18.3 Spain 11 Jim Walton United States 61 17.8 United States 12 Alice Walton United States 59 17.6 United States 12 Christy Walton & family United States 54 17.6 United States 12 S Robson Walton United States 65 17.6 United States 15 Bernard Arnault France 60 16.5 France 16 Li Ka-shing Hong Kong 80 16.2 Hong Kong 17 Michael Bloomberg United States 67 16.0 United States 18 Stefan Persson Sweden 61 14.5 Sweden 19 Charles Koch United States 73 14.0 United States 19 David Koch United States 68 14.0 United States 21 Liliane Bettencourt France 86 13.4 France 22 Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud Saudi Arabia 54 13.3 Saudi Arabia 23 Michael Otto & family Germany 65 13.2 Germany 24 David Thomson & family Canada 51 13.0 Canada 25 Michael Dell United States 44 12.3 United States 26 Donald Bren United States 76 12.0 United States 26 Sergey Brin United States 35 12.0 United States 26 Larry Page United States 36 12.0 United States 29 Steven Ballmer United States 53 11.0 United States 29 Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor & family United Kingdom 57 11.0 United Kingdom 29 George Soros United States 78 11.0 United States 32 Paul Allen United States 56 10.5 United States 32 Kwok family Hong Kong NA 10.5 Hong Kong 34 Anil Ambani India 49 10.1 India 35 Abigail Johnson United States 47 10.0 United States 35 Susanne Klatten Germany 46 10.0 Germany 35 Ronald Perelman United States 66 10.0 United States 35 Hans Rausing Sweden 83 10.0 United Kingdom 39 Birgit Rausing & family Sweden 85 9.9 Switzerland 40 Michele Ferrero & family Italy 82 9.5 Monaco 40 Mikhail Prokhorov Russia 43 9.5 Russia 40 Jack Taylor & family United States 86 9.5 United States 43 Mohammed Al Amoudi Saudi Arabia 63 9.0 Saudi Arabia 43 Anne Cox Chambers United States 89 9.0 United States 43 Carl Icahn United States 73 9.0 United States 43 George Kaiser United States 66 9.0 United States 43 Lee Shau Kee Hong Kong 81 9.0 Hong Kong 43 Forrest Mars Jr United States 77 9.0 United States 43 Jacqueline Mars United States 69 9.0 United States 43 John Mars United States 72 9.0 United States 51 Roman Abramovich Russia 42 8.5 Russia 52 Ernesto Bertarelli Switzerland 43 8.2 Switzerland 52 Philip Knight United States 71 8.2 United States 54 Nasser Al-Kharafi & family Kuwait 65 8.1 Kuwait 55 James Simons United States 70 8.0 United States 55 Alain & Gerard Wertheimer France NA 8.0 NA 57 Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair & family United Arab Emirates 55 7.8 United Arab Emirates 57 Vagit Alekperov Russia 58 7.8 Russia 59 Sunil Mittal & family India 51 7.7 India 60 Francois Pinault & family France 72 7.6 France 61 Eike Batista Brazil 52 7.5 Brazil 62 Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber Saudi Arabia 50 7.0 Saudi Arabia 62 Maan Al-Sanea Saudi Arabia 54 7.0 Saudi Arabia 62 Edward Johnson III United States 78 7.0 United States 62 Ananda Krishnan Malaysia 70 7.0 Malaysia 62 Robert Kuok Malaysia 85 7.0 Hong Kong 62 Joseph Safra Brazil 70 7.0 Brazil 68 Jeffrey Bezos United States 45 6.8 United States 69 August von Finck Germany 79 6.7 Switzerland 70 Silvio Berlusconi & family Italy 72 6.5 Italy 71 Leonardo Del Vecchio Italy 73 6.3 Italy 71 Curt Engelhorn Germany 82 6.3 Switzerland 71 Mikhail Fridman Russia 44 6.3 Russia 74 Sulaiman Al Rajhi Saudi Arabia 89 6.2 Saudi Arabia 75 James Goodnight United States 66 6.1 United States Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence 76 Iris Fontbona & family Chile NA 6.0 Chile 76 Petr Kellner Czech Republic 44 6.0 Czech Republic 76 John Kluge United States 94 6.0 United States 76 John Paulson United States 53 6.0 United States 76 Tadashi Yanai & family Japan 60 6.0 Japan 81 Dan Duncan United States 76 5.9 United States 81 Eliodoro Matte & family Chile 63 5.9 Chile 83 Alberto Bailleres & family Mexico 76 5.7 Mexico 83 Azim Premji India 63 5.7 India 83 Hansjorg Wyss Switzerland 74 5.7 United States 86 Shashi & Ravi Ruia India 65 5.6 India 87 Steven Cohen United States 53 5.5 United States 87 Ng Teng Fong & family Singapore 80 5.5 Singapore 87 Patrick Soon-Shiong United States 57 5.5 United States 90 Serge Dassault & family France 83 5.4 France 90 Erivan Haub & family Germany 76 5.4 Germany 92 Jorge Paulo Lemann Brazil 69 5.3 Brazil 93 Eli Broad United States 75 5.2 United States 93 Kunio Busujima & family Japan 83 5.2 Japan 93 Karl-Heinz Kipp Germany 85 5.2 Switzerland 93 Vladimir Lisin Russia 52 5.2 Russia 93 Reinhold Wurth Germany 73 5.2 Germany 98 Philip Anschutz United States 69 5.0 United States 98 Kirk Kerkorian United States 91 5.0 United States 98 Nicky Oppenheimer & family South Africa 63 5.0 South Africa Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence 98 David & Simon Reuben United Kingdom NA 5.0 United Kingdom 98 Kushal Pal Singh India 77 5.0 India 98 Galen Weston & family Canada 68 5.0 Canada 104 Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahayan United Arab Emirates 39 4.9 United Arab Emirates 105 Philip & Cristina Green United Kingdom 57 4.8 United Kingdom 105 Antonia Johnson Sweden 65 4.8 Sweden 107 Klaus-Michael Kuhne Germany 71 4.7 Switzerland 108 Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken Netherlands 54 4.6 United Kingdom 108 Stefan Quandt Germany 42 4.6 Germany 110 Robert Bass United States 61 4.5 United States 110 David Geffen United States 66 4.5 United States 110 Graeme Hart New Zealand 53 4.5 New Zealand 110 James Kennedy United States 61 4.5 United States 110 Paul Milstein & family United States 86 4.5 United States 110 Blair Parry-Okeden United States 58 4.5 Australia 110 Henry Ross Perot Sr United States 78 4.5 United States 110 Hasso Plattner Germany 65 4.5 Germany 110 Hiroshi Yamauchi Japan 81 4.5 Japan 119 Alexander Abramov Russia 50 4.4 Russia 119 Richard DeVos United States 83 4.4 United States 119 Eric Schmidt United States 53 4.4 United States 122 Leonid Fedun Russia 52 4.3 Russia 122 Alexei Mordashov Russia 43 4.3 Russia 124 Kumar Birla India 41 4.2 India 124 Michael Kadoorie & family Hong Kong 68 4.2 Hong Kong Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence 124 Akira Mori & family Japan 72 4.2 Japan 124 Robert Rowling United States 55 4.2 United States 124 Ricardo Salinas Pliego & family Mexico 53 4.2 Mexico 124 Dennis Washington United States 74 4.2 United States 124 Karl Wlaschek Austria 91 4.2 Austria 131 Johanna Quandt Germany 82 4.1 Germany 132 Leonard Blavatnik United States 51 4.0 United Kingdom 132 Cheng Yu-tung Hong Kong 83 4.0 Hong Kong 132 John Fredriksen Cyprus 64 4.0 United Kingdom 132 German Khan Russia 47 4.0 Russia 132 Joseph Lau Hong Kong 57 4.0 Hong Kong 132 Richard LeFrak & family United States 63 4.0 United States 132 John Menard Jr United States 69 4.0 United States 132 Rupert Murdoch United States 78 4.0 United States 132 Donald Newhouse United States 79 4.0 United States 132 Samuel Newhouse Jr United States 81 4.0 United States 132 Sammy Ofer & family Israel 87 4.0 Monaco 132 Ira Rennert United States 75 4.0 United States 132 Julio Mario Santo Domingo Colombia 85 4.0 Colombia 132 Leonard Stern United States 71 4.0 United States 146 Charles Ergen United States 56 3.9 United States 146 James, Arthur & John Irving Canada NA 3.9 Canada 146 Harold Simmons United States 77 3.9 United States 149 Gustavo Cisneros & family Venezuela 63 3.8 Venezuela 149 Spiro Latsis & family Greece 62 3.8 Switzerland Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence 151 Bernard Ecclestone & family United Kingdom 78 3.7 United Kingdom 151 Eitaro Itoyama Japan 66 3.7 Japan 151 Dietrich Mateschitz Austria 64 3.7 Austria 151 Masayoshi Son Japan 51 3.7 Japan 151 Chaleo Yoovidhya Thailand 77 3.7 Thailand 156 Pauline MacMillan Keinath United States 75 3.6 United States 156 Cargill MacMillan Jr United States 82 3.6 United States 156 Whitney MacMillan United States 80 3.6 United States 156 Pierre Omidyar United States 41 3.6 United States 156 Marion MacMillan Pictet United States 76 3.6 Bermuda 156 Anton Schlecker Germany 64 3.6 Germany 156 Andreas Strungmann Germany 59 3.6 Germany 156 Thomas Strungmann Germany 59 3.6 Germany 164 William Cook United States 77 3.5 United States 164 Oleg Deripaska Russia 41 3.5 Russia 164 Stanley Druckenmiller United States 55 3.5 United States 164 Harold Hamm United States 63 3.5 United States 164 Saleh Kamel Saudi Arabia 67 3.5 Saudi Arabia 164 Bruce Kovner United States 64 3.5 United States 164 Nobutada Saji & family Japan 63 3.5 Japan 164 Maria-Elisabeth & Georg Schaeffler Germany NA 3.5 Germany 164 Charles Schwab United States 71 3.5 United States 164 Stef Wertheimer & family Israel 83 3.5 Israel 164 Aloys Wobben Germany 57 3.5 Germany 164 Daniel Ziff United States 37 3.5 United States Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence 164 Dirk Ziff United States 44 3.5 United States 164 Robert Ziff United States 42 3.5 United States 178 Sheldon Adelson United States 75 3.4 United States 178 Jeronimo Arango & family Mexico 83 3.4 Mexico 178 Heinz-Horst Deichmann Germany 82 3.4 Germany 178 Steven Jobs United States 54 3.4 United States 178 Hiroshi Mikitani Japan 44 3.4 Japan 183 Saleh Al Rajhi Saudi Arabia 97 3.3 Saudi Arabia 183 Americo Amorim Portugal 74 3.3 Portugal 183 Charles Cadogan & family United Kingdom 72 3.3 United Kingdom 183 Adi Godrej & family India 66 3.3 India 183 Iskander Makhmudov Russia 45 3.3 Russia 183 David Murdock United States 85 3.3 United States 183 Tsai Wan-Tsai & family Taiwan 79 3.3 Taiwan 183 Ty Warner United States 65 3.3 United States 191 Jean-Claude Decaux & family France 71 3.2 France 191 Boris Ivanishvili Russia 53 3.2 Georgia 191 Richard Kinder United States 65 3.2 United States 191 Theodore Lerner United States 83 3.2 United States 191 Stephen Ross United States 68 3.2 United States 196 Lester Crown & family United States 83 3.1 United States 196 Aloysio de Andrade Faria Brazil 88 3.1 Brazil 196 Stein Erik Hagen & family Norway 52 3.1 Norway 196 Bradley Hughes United States 75 3.1 United States 196 Suleiman Kerimov Russia 43 3.1 Russia Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence 196 Alexei Kuzmichev Russia 46 3.1 Russia 196 Dmitry Rybolovlev Russia 42 3.1 Russia 196 John Sall United States 60 3.1 United States 196 Nassef Sawiris Egypt 47 3.1 Egypt 205 Majid Al Futtaim United Arab Emirates NA 3.0 United Arab Emirates 205 Ronald Burkle United States 56 3.0 United States 205 Robert Holding United States 82 3.0 United States 205 Heidi Horten Austria 68 3.0 Austria 205 Henry Kravis United States 65 3.0 United States 205 E Stanley Kroenke United States 61 3.0 United States 205 Lee Kun-Hee South Korea 67 3.0 South Korea 205 Liu Yongxing China 60 3.0 China 205 George Lucas United States 64 3.0 United States 205 Naguib Sawiris Egypt 54 3.0 Egypt 205 Dilip Shanghvi India 53 3.0 India 205 John Sobrato & family United States 69 3.0 United States 205 Steven Spielberg United States 62 3.0 United States 205 Dorothea Steinbruch & family Brazil NA 3.0 Brazil 205 Heinz Hermann Thiele & family Germany 67 3.0 Germany 205 Samuel Zell United States 67 3.0 United States 221 Micky Arison United States 59 2.9 United States 221 Bahaa Hariri Switzerland 42 2.9 Switzerland 221 Husnu Ozyegin Turkey 64 2.9 Turkey 224 Saif Al Ghurair & family United Arab Emirates NA 2.8 United Arab Emirates 224 Giorgio Armani Italy 74 2.8 Italy 224 Antonio Ermirio de Moraes & family Brazil 80 2.8 Brazil 224 Simon Halabi United Kingdom 59 2.8 United Kingdom 224 Michael Herz Germany 63 2.8 Germany 224 Wolfgang Herz Germany 58 2.8 Germany 224 Paul Tudor Jones II United States 54 2.8 United States 224 Mehmet Emin Karamehmet Turkey 64 2.8 Turkey 224 Ralph Lauren United States 69 2.8 United States 224 Hermann Schnabel Germany 88 2.8 Germany 234 Shari Arison Israel 51 2.7 Israel 234 John Arnold United States 35 2.7 United States 234 Martin & Olivier Bouygues France 56/58 2.7 France 234 Walter Haefner Switzerland 98 2.7 Switzerland 234 Otto Happel Germany 61 2.7 Switzerland 234 Savitri Jindal India 59 2.7 India 234 Lee Shin Cheng Malaysia 69 2.7 Malaysia 234 Frank Lowy & family Australia 78 2.7 Australia 234 Thomas Schmidheiny Switzerland 63 2.7 Switzerland 234 Henry Sy & family Philippines 84 2.7 Philippines 234 Oprah Winfrey United States 55 2.7 United States 234 Zhang Jindong China 46 2.7 China 246 Otto Beisheim Germany 85 2.6 Switzerland 246 Paul Desmarais Canada 82 2.6 Canada 246 Barbara Piasecka Johnson United States 72 2.6 Monaco 246 Ann Walton Kroenke United States 60 2.6 United States 246 German Larrea Mota Velasco & family Mexico 55 2.6 Mexico 246 Sergio Mantegazza Switzerland 81 2.6 Switzerland 246 Rosalia Mera Spain 65 2.6 Spain 246 Gordon Moore United States 80 2.6 United States 246 Victor Pinchuk Ukraine 48 2.6 Ukraine 246 George Roberts United States 65 2.6 United States 246 Michael & Rainer Schmidt-Ruthenbeck Germany NA 2.6 Germany 246 Malvinder & Shivinder Singh India 33 2.6 India 246 Tsai Eng Meng Taiwan 52 2.6 Taiwan 246 Peter Woo & family Hong Kong 63 2.6 Hong Kong 246 Zhou Chengjian & family China 44 2.6 China 261 Riley Bechtel United States 57 2.5 United States 261 Stephen Bechtel Jr United States 83 2.5 United States 261 Richard Branson United Kingdom 58 2.5 United Kingdom 261 Edgar Bronfman Sr United States

Friday, October 5, 2012

If Romney WINS, USA Unscrewed

F Romney IS SWORN IN As President Romney MAY not be LIBERAL Enough For Harry (The Suspicious Land Deal) Reid Washington, D.C. — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid issued the following statement after Governor Romney clarified his position on the Administration's deferred action policy toward DREAMers. Romney staff told the Boston Globe he would "not honor deportation exemptions" for illegal alien "DREAM actors" that Democrats had to pass to get crucial voters if Romney takes office. AW CONTRARY!!! 'Scuse our bad French!!!Romney has declared that "DREAMERS" will NOT just DREAM ON but will get free benefits so Reid feels forced to misquote Romney in order to make immigration attack - Washington Times politics/2012/oct/4/reid-misquotes-romney-make-immigration-attack/#ixzz28QzkvVL2 Reid knows that most people hear him and not what Romney says because main stream media does not cover Romney. because they are ON THE RUN FROM Guatelama, Costa Rica, Belize, or even Mexico because of felony crimes like rape,robbery and murder although many just want to earn money to send back home. Reid knows from experience that he can say ANYTHING and MSM or Main Stream Media will not call him to task for lying like a rug. Little do Democrats know that Latino vote is mostly CONSERVATIVE so making their legal efforts at citizenship all in vain will cause them to vote Republican and try to save their jobs from illegals who did not make any effort to become legal and work for as little as $20 per day. Americans who hire them for low wages do not realize that sometimes the illegals are in America illegally because they are ON THE RUN FROM Guatelama, Costa Rica, Belize, or even Mexico because of felony crimes like rape,robbery and murder although many just want to earn money to send back home. Sometimes below the border prisons release felons who have been locked up for crimes and tell them to go North, "Those Nortenos need workers!" which allows Mexico to get rid of them. Unfortunately, legislation like the "Dream Act" and food stamps are a magnet for illegals who are more than happy to start new families in America and enjoy free healthcare at the Emergency Room in America. Alexi Giannoulias LIST of Aledged Homosexual Washington Insiders Wayne Madison's World of Expository Journalism Seedyside Obama Dark Side Obama

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Latest Occupy Lo Jinks

For news on Occupy frolic, fun, and frivolous fantasy from the haves-who-are-loaded-but-not-drunk-but-hate-America-and-love-Obama-Pelosi-Reid-and-533-wealthy-congress-persons-each-looking-out-for-number-one-and-getting-richer-by-the-minute.

The entire Occupy "movement" is an attempt by the left to take the blame off Obama and the leftist socialist politicians and place all the blame on private industry. On the very first day of protest, the media videos depicted the protesters on Wall Street chanting "Kill the Jews" and the signs calling for socialist government. It is estimated that 99% of the protesters are whack jobs due to monomania, duomania or more. Their demands listed at (25) would make Stalin puff up with pride.
Notorious and devious supporters of occupy include SEIU, George (Billionaire) Soros, Labor Unions, the KKK and David Duke (30), radical Muslims, Communists, neo-Nazis, the National Socialist Party, and an armed militia group calling itself the US Border Guard seem to be among their supporters.(29)
David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, has joined President Barack Obama, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in stating support for the Occupy Wall Street movement, whose protests have been marked by anti-Semitism, anti-Jew rhetoric. David Duke repeatedly attacks what he refers to as “Zionist bankers” such as Ben “Shalom” Bernanke. “Zionist owners of the predatory banks made more shekels.”

There have been over 4,600 arrests at #occupy protests so far as of November 22, 2011, according to Twitter @OccupyArrests and Greg Mitchell of The Nation.(1)

From Boston Herald came news that two Occupy Boston members were arrested on drug charges namely Isaac Bell, 34, and Charlene Dumont, 31, who were charged with distribution of a class A drug (heroin) and possession with intent to distribute a class A drug within 1,000 feet of a school zone, according to police. The 6-year-old child who was living with the two alleged heroin distributors in a tent is presently staying with family members, according to police authorities.

A protester wearing an expensive rubber Halloween mask as a 'blood.sucking banker' was seen in the downtown Las Angeles financial district of over the weekend of November 12-13,2011.(4)

Crimes - Felonies and Misdemeanors

About a dozen protesters were arrested at Occupy in Honolulu,Hawaii over the weekend of November 12-13,2011.(5)

From Boston Herald came news that two Occupy Boston members were arrested on drug charges namely Isaac Bell, 34, and Charlene Dumont, 31, who were charged with distribution of a class A drug (heroin) and possession with intent to distribute a class A drug within 1,000 feet of a school zone, according to police. The 6 year old child who was living with the two alleged heroin distributors in a tent is presently staying with family members, according to police authorities.

Nkrumah Tinsley, 29, was arrested after police viewed a video of him proclaiming he would torch the city during Thursday’s mass protest posted online, police said.

“On the 17th (of Nov.), we’re going to burn New York City to the f---ing ground,” a frosted, accosted Tinsley ranted to a crowd of demonstrators in the video posted on Tuesday, November 22,2011.(5)


Occupy Fort Collins activist Benjamin Gilmore is accused of arson, burglary and criminal mischief, in connection with the early morning $10,000,000 fire in Penny Flats. Benjamin Gilmore's trial judge refuses to lower bond of $250,000. Occupy Fort Collins, Julia Crisafi, a representative of Occupy Fort Collins is distancing the movement from Gilmore.

Occupy Portland participated in member arrested for throwing Molotov Cocktail
Occupy Seattle member participated in suspicious fire at Bank of America 2.7 miles from camp.
Occupy Portland found three men arrested with homemade grenades


Occupy SF participated in 12 assaults in 24 hours
Occupy LA participated in 4 assaults including two with knives
Occupy Philly participant (man) punched woman in the face
Occupy LA participated in two assaults including setting someone on fire
Occupy Berkeley experienced police responding to three assault calls per night
Occupy Wall Street participated in three men threaten the life of a sexual assault victim
Occupy Lawrence participated in sucker punch thrown
Occupy Orlando participated in knife fight which sent man to hospital
Occupy Portland participated in multiple assaults within a 24 hr. period
Occupy Toledo participated in a man assaulted police officer after arrest
Occupy San Diego participated in Woman assaults cameraman
Occupy Victoria participated in man dumps urine on city worker
Occupy Vancouver participated in two police officers bitten during near riot
Occupy Oakland participated in death threats ranted
Occupy Austin police arrested a man in Joker makeup for brandishing knife
Occupy Oakland arrested a man who set(sicced) his dog on reporter
Occupy Oakland participated in man pulls (brandishes) a knife in camp
Occupy Wall Street participated in Photographer assaulted


Occupy Boston had two drug busts within same week
Occupy Boston participated in another drug arrest

Occupy Portland participated in First hand account “Drugs. Selling…Heroin. Meth.”
Occupy Portland participated in Video of open drug use in the camp
Occupy Portland participated in “I get high“


National Lawyer’s Guild member Ari Douglas pretended to be run over by a police scooter


Occupy Santa Cruz participated in Ringworm outbreak
Occupy Atlanta participated in TB outbreak
Occupy Wall Street had "Zuccotti lung" outbreak
Occupy New Orleans where a man discovered in tent had been dead 2 days
Occupy Portland participated in body lice outbreak


Occupy Oakland participated in fatal shooting

Public disturbance

Occupy Dallas participated in Protesters block bank entrance, 23 arrested
Occupy Vancouver trespass mob with bullhorn entered bank
Occupy Wall Street participated in Protesters block bank entrance, four arrested
Occupier takes a bathroom break in the street
Occupy Vancouver participated in Occupiers disrupt debate, threaten riot in asked to leave
Occupy Long Beach participated in Group disrupts city council meeting
Occupy Boston participated in Three arrested for occupying Burger King
Occupy Oakland participated in Yelling and nonsense at Burger King
Occupy DC participated in Group storms AFP event, traps attendees inside

Rape/Sexual Assault

Occupy Philly participated in man arrested for alleged rape
Occupy Wall Street participated in Two sexual assaults unreported to police
Occupy Wall Street participated in man arrested for sexual assault, suspect in rape
Occupy Dallas participated in Sex offender allegedly rapes 14 year old
Occupy Ottawa participated in Sexual assaults go unreported to police
Occupy Lawrence participated in Sexual assault reported
Occupy Toronto participated in Foot sniffer arrested
Occupy Seattle participated in man exposes himself to young girls
Occupy Portland participated in Sexual assault
Occupy Wall Street participated in Drunk gropes women in Zuccotti Park
Occupy Cleveland participated in Rape reported after an overnight stay
Occupy Glasgow participated in Possible gang rape
Occupy Baltimore participated in Multiple reports of harassment
Occupy Chicago participated in man arrested for child porn
Occupy LA participated in man charged with exposing himself to a child


Occupy DC participated in Let’s have a coup by taking over the military
Ted Rall wants occupiers to choose the path of violence
Occupy DC participated in Mike Malloy incites crowd to cheer for President Bush’s execution still blaming him despite bank bailouts, car company takeovers, Black Panthers released after promised to be good at election sites. They did it again.


Occupy Burlington where man kills himself with handgun
Occupy Salt Lake City man found dead with syringe in his tent
Occupy Vancouver Young woman dies of cocaine and heroine overdose
Occupy OKC Young man with history of drug abuse found dead


Occupy Portland participated in Theft is ongoing
Occupy Boston blamed when store owner suffers 4 breakins since camp began


Occupy Eureka pooping protesters used local bank as a toilet
Occupy Portland participated in two banks vandalized, promises of more to come
Occupy Oakland allegedly involved in bank windows broken, Whole Foods vandalized, broken windows
Occupy Boston participated in Banks vandalized with anarchist, OWS graffiti
Occupy Portland participated in Spike in vandalism near camp
Occupy SF: ATMs being smeared with feces
Occupy Santa Fe: Banks vandalized with OWSparticipated inthemed graffiti
Occupy San Diego participated in Vendors cart vandalized with bodily fluids
Occupy graffiti found on PA governor’s mansion (1)

John Nolte of Big Government has recorded 271 separate incidents involving Occupy Wall Street protesters.(2)



(3)Twitter @OccupyArrests and Greg Mitchell of The Nation.

