Friday, October 5, 2012

If Romney WINS, USA Unscrewed

F Romney IS SWORN IN As President Romney MAY not be LIBERAL Enough For Harry (The Suspicious Land Deal) Reid Washington, D.C. — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid issued the following statement after Governor Romney clarified his position on the Administration's deferred action policy toward DREAMers. Romney staff told the Boston Globe he would "not honor deportation exemptions" for illegal alien "DREAM actors" that Democrats had to pass to get crucial voters if Romney takes office. AW CONTRARY!!! 'Scuse our bad French!!!Romney has declared that "DREAMERS" will NOT just DREAM ON but will get free benefits so Reid feels forced to misquote Romney in order to make immigration attack - Washington Times politics/2012/oct/4/reid-misquotes-romney-make-immigration-attack/#ixzz28QzkvVL2 Reid knows that most people hear him and not what Romney says because main stream media does not cover Romney. because they are ON THE RUN FROM Guatelama, Costa Rica, Belize, or even Mexico because of felony crimes like rape,robbery and murder although many just want to earn money to send back home. Reid knows from experience that he can say ANYTHING and MSM or Main Stream Media will not call him to task for lying like a rug. Little do Democrats know that Latino vote is mostly CONSERVATIVE so making their legal efforts at citizenship all in vain will cause them to vote Republican and try to save their jobs from illegals who did not make any effort to become legal and work for as little as $20 per day. Americans who hire them for low wages do not realize that sometimes the illegals are in America illegally because they are ON THE RUN FROM Guatelama, Costa Rica, Belize, or even Mexico because of felony crimes like rape,robbery and murder although many just want to earn money to send back home. Sometimes below the border prisons release felons who have been locked up for crimes and tell them to go North, "Those Nortenos need workers!" which allows Mexico to get rid of them. Unfortunately, legislation like the "Dream Act" and food stamps are a magnet for illegals who are more than happy to start new families in America and enjoy free healthcare at the Emergency Room in America. Alexi Giannoulias LIST of Aledged Homosexual Washington Insiders Wayne Madison's World of Expository Journalism Seedyside Obama Dark Side Obama